I've uploaded a few new pieces to the Erudite Collection and there's still more to come but I sort of lost my steam today. I have about 6 more sets/pieces photographed and ready to edit and list and another batch waiting to be faceted/finished/polished/drilled/photographed/listed.
Onto some randomness:
*As much as I love them, the carved nuggets are a b*itch to facet. It is killer on my hands so I have to do it in small bunched before my pointer finger goes numb.
*Thank you ever so much for your kind words on this post. It helps me to know that there are some other ladies out there who feel like H.R. Puffnstuff in their current wardrobe.
*There are several things I won't give up for any diet, chief among them, my morning cup of strong-ass coffee with real (albeit organic, because the organic is better tasting and better for you IMHO) and real 1/2 & 1/2. What's the sense is using the fat free crap if you have to use twice as much??? ummmm, hello? Plus, that list of ingredients is enough to make one's head spin.
*Mulling over some fun tutorials for le blog. After reading this post, and this post
I wanted to expand on some fun ideas that have been swimming around in my noggin after the last tutorial I did.
*I'm off to eat good ol' fashioned southern food across the street. Yeah, I know I'm on a diet but it's auction night so I ain't cooking and I've been so, so good, and saving up for it all day.....
Hope you enjoyed your night off! I had one of them yesterday lunchtime. Love your Erudite collection, I'll have to stop by sometime and pick up a nugget or two...
Ps can't get the flickr thing to work for me - I changed it over but whenever I posted, the photos just wouldn't load on my blog! So I think I need to just stick to my camera, sigh...which is kind of a pain, as I'm not completely sure where it is right now....!
Love the new pieces!
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