Have you checked out the fun little exercise that Heather Powers of Humblebeads has started? I have to limit the amount of swaps, activities etc. I participate in because....well, because there are so many and I am easily distracted. But this one seemed easy and a nice activity to see what goes on on my bead table (and other people's too!). Plus, I really want to get to know Flickr better. I am the world's worst Flickr-er.
With the help of some itunes giftcards from Christmas, I blinged out my hipstamatic app with all of the filters, lenses, and film I could download for $10.
I religiously don't pay for apps because I could get waaaaay carried away but I love my hipstamatic. If you have an iphone or ipod, you have to buy that one. It's so much fun to snap away with. And, if you need a cheap gift, itunes giftcards are a great inexpensive gift for anyone with an iphone, ipad, or ipod. I mean, I was freaking out for days downloading stuff with my $10 gift card! WOOHOO!
If you want to join in on the fun, there's a little button over there on the right that will take you to the BTW Flickr group. And check out the post from Heather on the Humblebeads blog!
Okay. So once I wrench the iPod touch away from one of the young ones (they are more savvy than me) and get that app and all the lenses and filters, and then manage to take said photo, how to I get that on my blog? I know. This sounds so stupid. I can take pictures with my regular camera, and upload, but from the iPod? I must be a dolt. Just plug and somehow download? I would like to do this because it looks like fun!
Maybe I need to save up for own iPod Touch...
Enjoy the day!
What a cool bead table! I wish mine looked like that...just a few owls on mine!
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