I love food and the hardest part has been watching my carbs and moderating my portions because I love me some SECONDS and THIRDS! (I can forgo the dessert any day for some extra mashed taters!)
So, my guilty pleasure of each week has been PIZZA NIGHT! I have the blessing of having an actual ex-pizza man in my life. Mike actually can do the twirly dough bit if he wants! So, I get the job of making the perfect dough and I have finally perfected the perfect recipe. I mix the dough, he does the kneading and stretching, and we're all good.
I do the mixing in a bread machine on the dough cycle, because I'm baking deficient. I imagine you could use the same recipe in a Kitchenaid or do it by hand and it would turn out, but don't quote me. I adapted this recipe from Google-ing the term "best pizza dough ever". People who make pizza at home are a cult. And I belong to it.
*I make this dough a wee bit healthier by sub-ing in part whole wheat flour. On my current diet, I use 3 cups whole wheat flour to one cup whole white bread flour. I have also used all variations/mixations of flours and it always turns out...but you may have to add more water as the dough progresses. Add warm water by the tablespoon until you reach the desired consistency. If you use my 3:1 whole wheat method, you will probably end up adding as much as 1/8 c. more warm water to your mix because of the whole wheat flour. If you only use white flour, the recipe should stand.
**or buy store bought dough. not as healthy, but also tasty.
**or order pizza. DEFINITELY not as healthy but also DELICIOUS.
Add in order to a bread machine:
1 3/8 c. warm water
1/4 c. extra virgin olive oil
2 T. honey
3/4 t. sea salt
4 c. flour
2 T. yeast
Makes 2- 12" pizzas. Great for families or couples who don't like to share toppings (with leftovers if you're on a diet or eat the whole damn thing if you're not, cause you'll want to!)
And you will get THIS!
and my pizza....
Because, in my infinite wisdom, I figure the more toppings I pour on, the less slices I'll eat....and I'm fancy like that. And I feed the border collie the crusts because he enjoys them more than a dog treat and who can resist this face?
We also make homemade pizza - almost once a week - and using the bread machine is the BEST. Your recipe sounds very close to mine - I'll give it a try next time. I always put Boscoli Olive Salad on mine - you can find it in the same aisle as pickles and condiments - it's very yummy! Way to go on your diet - and I am now so hungry from talking about pizza I must go to bed and dream of breakfast :-)
I am dough deficient (in the making, not the eating). I love that furry face! Makes me miss my own furry face who has been gone since 2005. So happy for you on your weight loss, Barbara! That is outstanding. I am doing my best to try. I have this strict no eating after 8 but when I am up this late I am always so hungry. I will be strong and just have that big glass o' water. That should do it. (I hope I can ignore everything else that I pass on the way!)
Enjoy the day!
P.S. You won't believe this but my word verification? SMALIZED as in "Barbara is watching what she eats and is getting so smalized!"
Thank you for the recipe...my husband and I are just finishing phase 3 of homeopathic hcg drops...which means we can now start introducing more starchy carbs back into our meals (yeah!)This sounds like it will satisfy my pizza craving with out doing too much damage. I'll probably do all whole wheat.
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